Organic Little Millet
Organic Little Millet
Little Millet has several health benefits due to the presence of bioactive nutraceuticals such as phenolic compounds, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), carotenoids, and tocopherols
Suche Organic’s Little millet is a nutritional powerhouse and excellent source of protein, fibre, B vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and magnesium and is free from all kinds of chemicals, GMOs, as well as pesticides.
1) Little Millet is naturally gluten-free, this grain is a great choice for those who cannot consume gluten.
2) Due to Low Glycemic Index, it is suitable for diabetics since they digest slowly and release glucose into the bloodstream in a controlled way.
3) The Little Millet antioxidant and low-calorie content aids in maintaining a healthy weight and diet that can aid in weight loss.
4) Due to its high magnesium content, it helps to improve heart health by preserving stable blood pressure and heart rate.
1) A great substitute for rice
2) Pongal and Idly cooked with Little Millet are great for diabetic patients' breakfast.
3) Little Millet Upma is a fantastic option for kids' tiffin box.